Thank You & Welcome! You're the Newest Christmas Club Member!
There is an email on its way to you right this very moment with your registration info for our private club member's area.
(If you already have an account with us, your login info is the same!)
Yahoo & AOL users: We're seeing delays in our emails getting through the Yahoo and AOL spam filters. It may take awhile for our automated email to reach you. If you already have an account with us, your login is the same.
Please feel free to EMAIL US at if you don't see your login info arrive, and we will be more than glad to send this info to you. Please also check your spam folder. (We are attempting to rectify this issue as quickly as we can.)
Gmail users: You may find your email under the 'Promotions' tab of your Inbox.
Normally, your email should arrive to you within just a few minutes! We tend to have a lot of new members joining at the same time, and so it could take up to 10 minutes for your email to arrive to you. Be sure to also check your Spam folder!
If you have not received your email within 10 minutes or so, please email me at, and I will help you. 🙂